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Great application. Thanks for it. I have a question. it’s possible to put a notification in the notification area. But is there a possibility to discard a notification that is built with a E-Robot command, without using clear button in the notification area, but with an other E-Robot command ?
An other question…is there a solution for changing the image of the notification ?
(Sorry for my poor english…)
Now it is not possible to cancel a notification but in the next release there will be a “Cancel notification” action and it makes it possible to cancel all notifications or the one with the specified id. If you want to use this version before the release I can send you a dev version.
Changing notification image is not possible. Only built-in icons could be used for a notification and there is no image set for that in E-Robot.
Thanks for your reply.
I will wait for the next release.
Nice app, if I this had been available I wouldn’t have bothered to invest all that time learning Tasker.
Can you use the setting of a variable as an event?
No, the app doesn’t have such an event but you can execute a command from an other one after you changed a variable. Isn’t it a good solution for you?
Better and better….thanks for the deletion of a notification. It would be great to have a forum or a space to share scripts or tout see how others users are making their commands…. it’s perhaps already done….