by Tamás Barta
What is new
- New event: Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi network is not visible
- New event: Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi network is visible
- New action: Other / Start service
- New expression: Wi-Fi / Is Wi-Fi network visible
- New expression: Wi-Fi / Wi-Fi visible networks
- New expression: Audio / Is wired headset connected
- New expression: Operators / Text contains
- New expression: Operators / Text starts with
- New expression: Operators / Text ends with
- Alarm event: 2 day repeat
- Alarm event: new “when idle” parameter for Doze mode of 6.0
- Record sound action: 0 maxLength for unlimited length
- Android 6.0: handling Doze mode (alarm, wait, …)
- Android 6.0 fixes: Reset password action, Lock action, Clear cache action
- Geocoord location: fill with current coordinate
- Other changes and fixes