What is new
- Volume dialog: separate Ring and Notification volumes for ICS devices
- Report screen: generating sensitive data into the report can be disabled/enabled
- Top screen: displays application icon and name if available
- New mobile network toggle: displays network type and opens the system setting screen
- Running application widget dialog: displays process and task ids
- Color chooser dialog: display/set rgb values
- Permanent cache makes picking an application much faster
- Lock toggle is more stable
- Other small changes, bugfixes in logcat screen, donation screen
Volume dialog
There is two new features in the volume dialog. The first one is that if Use incoming call volume for notifications is checked at system settings than the volume dialog displays a Ring & Notification seek bar instead of displaying separate ones:

In Android 4.0 (ICS) Google linked ringtone and notification volumes together so you cannot set different volume levels for them. In this version of Elixir 2 there is a workaround to solve the problem. The Phone ring stream name is displayed in red and it means that this setting is not a system but an Elixir setting. When phone starts ringing then Elixir changes notification volume to this value and changes back at the end of ringing. So it can simulate separate volume levels for ring and notification.
It is important that this workaround works only if you place a volume toggle into a home screen or statusbar widget because the running background service is needed.

Sensitive data in reports
On the report screen there is a new Include sensitive data checkbox which is unchecked by default. This means that the generated report won’t contain sensitive data like these:
- position
- account information
- telephony: device id, cell location, phone number, cell info, sim serial
- wifi: hostname, mac address, ip address, bssid, ssid, dhcp data, last scan results
- serial id
- settings: android id, next alarm

Top screen
The top screen displays application name and icon if possible:

Mobile network toggle
There is a new toggle which can be used in widgets. This Mobile network toggle displays network type as label and 2G, 3G or 4G icon depending on the current network type. If you click on the toggle the system setting screen opens to make it faster to disable 4G or 3G. It is not possible to disable 4G or 3G for a third-party apps in Android.

Color chooser dialog
There are three new text fields at the bottom of the dialog to display rgb values in decimal format. You can set these values too if you click on them: