Elixir 2.23 is available

What is new

  • New NFC toggle which opens the settings screen
  • Lock toggle can work with pin/password protection (admin add-on is needed)
  • Software info screen: new accessibility, drm and media effects rows; synchronization is moved here; rows can be hidden
  • Uninstall screen is removed and all the features are moved to the add-ons screen
  • Profiles: enable/disable application action (works only on rooted devices)
  • Support of Relative humidity sensor
  • Displays new information available from ICS
  • Other small changes and bugfixes (gps toggle)

NFC toggle

A new NFC toggle is available for widgets. This toggle opens system settings screen because it is not possible in Android for a third-party application to turn NFC on/off.

Lock toggle with pin/password protection

Lock toggle can be used from this version together with pin or password lock screen security. There is a new Set password option for this toggle if you long click on the toggle on the widget editor screen. Make sure that you set the same pin/password as you set for the lock screen:

It is important that Admin add-on 2.2 is needed to use this new feature. If this version is installed and device admin is enabled and you have set a password for the lock toggle then password will be disabled if you turn lock toggle off and will be set to the password you set for the toggle if you turn toggle on.

Changes on software information screen

The Synchronization row is moved from the device information screen here because it is a software-related information. There is a new Accessibility row which displays information about accessibility services:

If you scroll down you can see that there are two more new rows: DRM Engines and Media effects. Media effects are available only from ICS:

If you click on the settings icon in the header then you can hide or show any of the rows of the software information screen:

Add-ons and Uninstall screens

The add-ons and uninstall screens were redundant because they both displayed information about add-ons. So I removed the uninstall screen and moved all the functionality into the add-ons screen. You can safely uninstall applications there and you can see the current versions too:

New information available from ICS

Elixir 2 now supports and displays information available only from ICS devices:

  • applications: external code size; flags; ui options
  • bluetooth: profile connection states; device uuids
  • synchronization: adapter type / settings activity
  • features: wifi direct
  • camera: auto-exposure lock; auto-white balance lock; max number of detected faces; max number of matering areas; max number of focus areas; focus areas; metering areas; is video snapshot supported; video stabilization
  • settings: touch exploration enabled
  • input devices: stylus class

Elixir 2.22 is available

What is new

  • Mobile and Wifi Traffic widget: keep traffic data after reboot and interface restart
  • Better layout for Applications by label dialog
  • APN selector toggle: can enable APN setting directly without opening dialog
  • APN toggle: can be used on rooted ICS devices using the System add-on
  • Home screen can be opened via shortcut
  • Software information screen: settings can open alarm application
  • ICS optimization: the “three dots” button are no more displayed
  • New Elixir icons in high resolution
  • Various fixes:
    • cpu freq in large widgets wasn’t accurate
    • mobile network toggle fix for Android 4.1
    • battery can display accurate values on Motorola devices
    • next alarm can open alarm app on Htc Sense
    • sd mount toggle can handle if external storage is not removable
    • mute toggle can mute Phone ring volume on ICS
    • direct dial shortcut fix, personal add-on update needed

Applications by label

Maybe you already know that you can categorize applications by label at the applications screen and you can add shortcut of these labels to your home screen or a widget. If you click on the shortcut a dialog appears with a new layout which displays applications for the label. You can set if you would like the labels to be displayed or not:

APN selector new options

You can select the Set apn option in the widget editor if you would like the APN selector to select an apn setting directly without opening the selection dialog. In this case you can change the label and image too:

If the APN selector is set to open the dialog then it displays the name of current apn setting as label. If the APN selector is set to change the apn directly then it displays the name of apn and the image is on if that apn is selected and off if not selected.

The widget in the following screenshots contains three APN selectors. The first one is set to select “Telenor” directly, the second one is to select “Test” directly and the third opens the selector dialog if you click on it. You can see on the first screenshot that “Telenor” is selected so the first toggle is on, the second toggle is off and the third toggle displays “Telenor” as label. If you click on the second toggle to select “Test” then the first toggle goes off, the second goes on and the third displays “Test”:

Elixir 2.21 is available

  • What is new

    • New Locale toggle: change locale setting
    • Screen filter toggle: open dialog option, can turn button backlight off
    • White statusbar icons to fit ICS better
    • Battery temperature widget: max character count parameter
    • Bookmarks and Screen off toggle are available as shortcuts
    • Swap usage can be displayed in widget and on the device information screen

    Change locale

    If you open the System information screen then there is a new Change locale option if you click on the Configuration row. This option opens a new dialog where you can change the system-widget locale setting. The dialog displays all the available locales ordered by name but you can set favorite locales if you click on the star icon. When you open the dialog next then these favorite locales will be placed at the beginning of the list:

    This dialog can be opened from widget too by using Locale toggle. This toggle displays the current locale as label. The icon of this new toggle:

    The icon of bookmarks changed:

    Screen filter toggle parameters

    If you click long on the Screen filter toggle on the widget editor screen then there are two new parameters for this toggle. Using the Set button brightness parameter you can disable or enable button backlight when you activate the filter. If you set the Set open dialog parameter then the color selector dialog opens if you click on the toggle in the widget. In this case the color setting is automatically applied.

    Statusbar icons

    The new white icons fit well in ICS:

    Swap usage

    If your device has swap memory then free and total swap is displayed on the device information screen if you click on the memory row and select More information. If your device doesn’t have swap then it is zero as for me:

    The Memory widget has new label options. It can display used, free memory or usage percent too of physical memory or swap. The swap options are available only if your device has swap memory:

  • Elixir 2.20 is available

    What is new

    • New Backup screen: you can backup and restore any Elixir related setting
    • New Screen filter toggle: color and transparency can be set
    • Applications/Running data/Top screen: remembers last sort by setting
    • Logcat/Dmesg logs screen: new search option to search something without filtering out other lines

    Backup and restore data

    There is new backup screen available from the main screen of Elixir 2. From this screen you can create backups of every settings related to Elixir 2 and Elixir 2 – Widgets. You can create a new backup if you click on the Backup button.

    A backup item displays the folder, file name and size of the backup. The file name contains the creation date. If you click on a backup item you can restore, share or delete that backup. Sharing option is available only for donators.

    Creating home screen widgets cannot be done by the application itself. But the restore function makes the widget definitions of home screen widgets available in the backup directory of widgets so you can manually restore from the widget editor screen. These widget definitions are stored in backups with name like this: __4x2_23__.

    Screen filter toggle

    The new Screen filter toggle can be used if you want to make your screen darker. On some devices the lowest brightness setting is too bright for some case and you can use this toggle to make it darker by changing transparency and setting color to black:

    And you can change not only transparency but color too if you long click on the toggle in the widget editor and select Set filter color option. This feature is for fun:

    You can use this toggle both in widgets and profiles.

    Searching in logs

    Now there is a new Search option available on the Logcat logs and Dmesg logs screens. If you search a text then no lines will be filtered out (but you can user filters too if you want) but matches lines will be displayed as inverted:

    Elixir 2.19 is available

    What is new

    • New APN selector toggle to select APN settings in widgets or profiles
    • New Vibrate toggle to change ringer and/or notification vibrate setting
    • New Haptic feedback toggle (vibrate on touch in ics)
    • Mobile network toggle: can display network type or signal strength as label
    • Ringer mode toggle: can open dialog with new normal, normal+vibrate, vibrate and silent options
    • Device info screen: invert storage and memory progress bars to show used space
    • 4×5 widget size
    • Other small changes, bugfixes (apn toggle in profiles)

    APN selector toggle

    This new toggle displays the name of the selected apn setting as label and opens a dialog if you click on it to select the preferred apn setting:

    Using this toggle in a widget is not so interesting but it is useful to use in profiles and activate different apn settings for different profiles.

    Vibrate toggle

    When you add the new vibrate toggle to a widget or profile you can set if you would to change vibrate mode of ringer, notification or both. The toggle has three states and you can change between them by tapping on the toggle: on, off or only in vibrate mode.

    Haptic feedback toggle

    This toggle can be used in widgets and profiles and you can toggle it directly from the audio row of device information screen. This setting is called as Vibrate on touch on ICS devices.

    This toggle is available only if your device has vibrator.

    Change ringer and vibrate mode together using a dialog

    On the widget editor screen if you long click on the ringer mode toggle then there is a new Set open dialog option. If you enable it then a dialog opens if you click on the toggle where you can set ringer and vibrate mode together:

    The normal option turns ringer mode to normal and vibrate mode off. The normal + vibrate option turns ringer mode to normal and vibrate mode on. So with these two options you can determine if you would like your device to vibrate or not if you have a call.

    Invert storage progress bars on device information screen

    By default progress bars on device information screen displays the percent of available resources. If you would like the storage rows to display the percent of used space then you can click on the internal storage, external storage and memory rows to Invert progress bar:

    Elixir 2.18 is available

    What is new

    • Elixir 2 – Donation Key app is available on Google Play to remove ads, etc.
    • Bookmarks: permission is moved to personal add-on, fixes
    • Top screen: new compact view; item actions: launch, details, market, view logs, kill, uninstall
    • Applications screen: enabled/disable applications for rooted devices
    • New popup design with categorized items
    • Device info/Processor/More information can display number of processors
    • Other small changes, bugfixes (help screen)

    Elixir 2 – Donation Key

    You can support development by buying this application on Google Play.

    If you do so then ads will be removed and donators-only features will be enabled too.


    Now Personal add-on is needed to use Bookmarks, history widget because the permission needed for this feature is moved to the personal add-on. This change was mandatory because there are users who don’t want to allow this permission but would like to use Elixir 2.

    Top screen

    The top screen has a new Compact view to be able to display more processes on the screen. If you click on the eye icon you can select the previous List view too.

    If you click on an item you can do different actions with the selected process:

    Enable/Disable applications

    The applications screen can now display if an application is disabled or not. If you click on the list icon in the header you can filter disabled applications too.

    There is a new Enabled/Disable application option when you click on an application. This feature is available only for rooted devices:

    You can disable an application from the top screen too.

    New popup design

    Popup design changed and now popup items are categorized:

    Elixir 2.17 is available

    What is new

    • New widget: bookmarks, history
    • Flash toggle: can display a white screen with max brightness
    • Bluetooth toggles: open state-chooser dialog
    • Widget customization: change label color; custom colors for on/off/unread/missed states (donators only)
    • Better widget performance
    • System add-on: mobile data toggle
    • Other small changes, bugfixes (screen toggle fix for ics)

    Bookmarks, history

    A new Bookmarks, history icon can be used in widgets to display browser bookmarks and history in a dialog:

    In the dialog you can see the bookmarks in white and history items in blue. By default these items are sorted by number of visits but you can sort by name and last visited time too. If you click on an item then browser opens to display the selected url. If you have more then one browser installed you can long click to select the browser you would like to use to open the link:

    Flash toggle

    From this version of Elixir if you don’t have TeslaLED installed then flash toggle opens an empty, white screen with maximum brightness that can be used as a flashlight even on devices without a flash. If you have TeslaLED installed you can use this new screen too, you can set on the widget editor screen if you would like to use the flash and/or the white screen. Just click long on the flash toggle icon and you can select one of the use flash and use screen options to change these values. You can close the white screen by clicking anywhere on the screen.

    Change bluetooth state dialog

    If you click long on the bluetooth toggle icon on the widget editor screen you can select the Set open dialog option to set the toggle to open the new dialog instead of changing the bluetooth state:

    Widget label colors (donators only)

    It is possible to set label color for every icon of the widget. You should open the widget editor, click long on an icon and select the Set label color to modify the color of the label. After you set the color you can use the default color again by selecting the Clear label color option. For an on/off toggle you can set different colors for the on/off states by selecting the Set label color – on/off options. The similar methods can be used to set notification color for unread email count, unread messages count and missed calls widgets:

    On the following screenshot you can see how you can use this new feature:

    • the first widget uses different label colors for on and off states of toggles
    • the second widget uses different label colors to look well on this colorful background
    • the third widget uses different colors for every icons and uses red color for email notification

    If you open the color dialog then the previously used color will be set as default color. So you can easily set the same color for multiple icons. For example if you would like to set gray color for off states and green color for on states then set gray for one toggle and after it set grey for other toggles before you set the green colors. If you do so then you can click on Ok right after the color dialog appears because it will display the same color used before.

    Elixir 2.16 is available

    What is new

    • Recent tasks: new screen; new option in running applications widget; new recent application widget
    • Stay awake: new stay awake toggle with wake lock feature; available for widgets, profiles and device information screen
    • New refresh widget toggle with the option to refresh the current widget or every widgets
    • Usb tethering toggle fix for ICS using the system add-on
    • System add-on: download apk, usb tethering toggle for ICS
    • Other small changes, bugfixes (sd mount toggle)

    Recent applications

    There is a new recent tasks screen available from Elixir 2 if you click on the running icon on the main page. This screen displays recent tasks with the most recent being first and older ones after in order:

    The Running applications widget has a new recent applications option. If you select this option then clicking on the icon will open a dialog with recent applications:

    And there is a new Recent application widget which displays an application from the recent applications list. You can set the index of the application in the recent applications list and the refresh rate too. Adding multiple icons with this type to your widget will create a dynamic list of applications which changes from time to time:

    Stay awake

    You can change stay awake setting from Elixir now. If you open the device information screen and click on the battery or display row there is a new Change stay awake option where you can change this setting:

    This toggle can be used in widgets too:

    You can set to toggle between states or to open the setting dialog:

    There is a stay awake always option which uses the wake lock method to keep your device awake. Don’t use this setting for long because it can drain your battery faster.

    Refresh widget toggle

    There is a new Refresh widget toggle you can use in widgets. If you click on the toggle then the widget will be refreshed or you can set if you would like to refresh every other widgets too. It can be useful if you use icons with refresh rates, for example Unread email count, Memory, Running applications, etc and set refresh rate to a large value. In this case you can refresh the state of these icons by clicking on the refresh toggle.

    System add-on

    The new release of system add-on makes it possible to download system add-on apk if you would like to use the adb tool to convert it to a system app. This version makes it possible for ICS devices to toggle usb tethering too.

    Elixir 2.15 is available

    What is new

    • New widgets: usb debugging toggle, data roaming toggle, background data toggle
    • System add-on: gps, usb debugging, data romaing and background data toggles work with one-click if you convert this add-on to a system application
    • Statusbar and shortcut widgets: the notification area (on ICS) and widget window closes automatically if you click on an icon
    • Applications screen: sort by code/cache/data/total size
    • Open “Data usage” screen on ICS from device information screen and action picker
    • Widget customization: setting of maximize icons without label or not
    • Other small changes, bugfixes

    New toggles

    There are three new toggles which can be used in widgets:

    • usb debugging toggle
    • data roaming toggle
    • background data toggle

    All of these toggles opens the settings screen by default because only system applications can change these settings. If you have a rooted device then there is a way to make them work directly. The following section will describe this method.

    System add-on

    A new System add-on is released which is a very minimal add-on to Elixir 2 and Elixir 2 – Widgets. If you have a rooted, s-off device then you can convert this application to a system application using Titanium backup pro, adb tool or other method. Of course you can convert the main app or the widget app to a system application too but there are few advantages to use the system add-on:

    • you need to convert only this add-on and my other apps can use this feature without converting them too
    • this add-on has a very small size and it is possible that the system partition doesn’t have a lot of free space

    Converting to a system application makes it possible to change the following settings directly:

    • toggle gps
    • toggle background data
    • toggle data roaming
    • toggle usb debugging

    Statusbar/Shortcut widgets

    Statusbar widgets works as expected (directly from the notification area) only from ICS. From this version of Elixir 2 if you click on an icon of the statusbar widget then the notification area will be closed automatically. It is very useful if you click on an application launcher or any other icon which opens a new screen. The situation is not so clear if you click on a toggle. Somebody wants to close the notification area in this case, somebody doesn’t. So there is a new Always close widget option on the widget editor which determines if you would like the widget to be closed if you click on a toggle or not:

    The same method is working for shortcut widgets too or for statusbar widgets which can open only widget window (pre-ICS devices).

    Sort applications by different sizes

    Now you can sort applications by cache / code / data / total size if you click on the list icon in the header:

    Maximize icons without label or not

    The new setting is useful only when there are icons with and without label in the same row. For example if you put a status widget and a toggle widget in the same row and set hide toggle labels. You can set if you would like the toggle icon to be the same size as other icons or it should be maximized. You can see on the screenshots how this setting works:

    Elixir 2.14 is available

    What is new

    • New default widget icons and 2 new icon packs
    • Widgets: layout fix, update fix, better performance
    • Spanish language
    • Other small changes, bugfixes

    Widget icons

    Please welcome the new default icon pack of Elixir 2, I hope you will like it:

    There is a downloadable dark version of default icon pack too:

    Gál István has created a nice SonyEricsson Style icon pack for Elixir 2 for public use: